Wow, if you’re reading this, you have survived some intense astrology. I hope you are gracefully dismounting from eclipse season and that any truths that rose to the surface are gently being integrated. Now, on the other side of the portal, we get to experience one of the most exciting alignments of the year. This week on April 20th at 7:27pm PT: Jupiter, the planet of abundance will fist-bump-explode with Uranus, the planet of change. This uplifting alignment only happens every 14 years…

Jupiter/Uranus has historically manifested as new inventions, breakthroughs in science, new foods, good art and radical culture-progressing updates beyond what we deemed possible. 

In your personal life, you may feel a manic enthusiasm around something, an experience of sudden hope or progress. Consider this: Uranus has been asking for change in this part of the zodiac (21º Taurus) since early June-July 2023. This week, Uranus will now be joined by Jupiter, a planet that seeks cohesion and wisdom. In this way, you may finally put the pieces together for an important shift that has been stirring since last summer, but this time with an extra push of support and fresh optimism.

My advice is to be open to receive, open to dream about best case scenarios within the part of your chart that is ruled by TAURUS. Hold space for any out-of-the-blue ideas that allow something to expand your life...

Since Uranus is the planet of surprises, it can also make things feel precarious, and so this week might be EXCITING yet somewhat CHAOTIC - roll with the punches, expect the unexpected, stay curious. Also, take the pressure off yourself to immediately act on whatever insights or opportunities are presented. I say this because Mercury is still retrograde until April 24th and Mars will be in the fog with Neptune until April 30th when it enters Aries. Thus, the momentum for whatever strikes you this week, may pick up more speed as we enter the beginning of May.

In any case, keep your heart open to what offers you greater freedom, growth and magic. Wishing you all leaps and bounds. Good luck out there !

For your RISING SIGN, something interesting may be happening around....

ARIES: Financial Security, Self-Worth
TAURUS: Personal Style, Brand, Confidence
GEMINI: Psychological Healing, Trust in the Universe
CANCER: Friends, Network, Community Expansion
LEO: Career, Professional growth
VIRGO: Teaching, Writing, Travel Ideas
LIBRA: Collaborations, Shared Resources, 
SCORPIO: Relationships, Attachment Style Growth
SAGITTARIUS: Work Freedom, Health, Day to Day Rituals
CAPRICORN: Creative Expression, Play, Children
AQUARIUS: Home, Living Situation, Family Dynamics
PISCES: Local Neighborhood, Finding Your Voice, Learning a New Skill

if seeking more in-depth guidance, book a reading


